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Error iterator

baumarbaumar OS Professional Posts: 77 PRO
edited January 2022 in Product Feedback
Some times when you change a basic part of a document like a parameter you defined in the beginning this leads to errors somewhere in the document.
What I do is that I search the earliest place in the document history that was getting orange and from there resolve all issues to the end.
For sure the orange color in the sketches and parts help a lot, but you still have to search them in a possibly large list, open it and then search again the error in the drawing or part.

But since the document "knows" all the errors right after you made a wrong rsp conflicting action and also the sequence in which the elements of the doc are ordered, it should be possible to provide a function that jumps from the first error in the document to the next in the sequence of how the elements are built upon each other in the document. On each spot you would might also see the elements that collide in a particular constraint etc.

Super cool would also be that the system tells more info how it came to the conclusion that there is an error in a particular place. Like those cool IDEs for programming that walk you through the code showing all conflicts and telling the reason of the warning or error.    

I think that would speed up error resolution a lot.


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    eric_pestyeric_pesty Member Posts: 1,607 PRO
    Not sure if this is what you are asking but if you filter the feature tree with ":errors", you pretty much get this already...
    Typing in the filter is not the most convenient however, especially if you don't do it often, so maybe some sort of icon (like an orange exclamation point or something) located near the top of the feature tree to turn that one, for example next to the folder and regen times would be helpful?
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    baumarbaumar OS Professional Posts: 77 PRO
    Hi Eric, thanks for the hint, I didn't know that feature. It's certainly a workaround and I will try it out. 
    Maybe to have a process for error analysis starting from the first appearance of any issue down to the very last one might be a cool thing to have a kind of error or just issue handling practice might be helpful to raise the quality of the designs. It happened to me that I had an error in a design and I could not find the reason until after a long search I found at a low level a flaw. I'm thinking about the IDEs where you get a hint when your code has only warnings and the get presented a list of code lines with potential issues. 
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