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how can i take the thickness value from the sheet metal

PTYPTY Member Posts: 1
I've made a copy of "CalculateBounds.fs script" and I've got a script that sets the length and width, but I can't figure out how to get the thickness out of the sheet metal.

I added function calculateFlatSMBounds to the end of the following code which sets the description field to sheet metal dimensions.

function calculateFlatSMBounds(context is Context, id is Id, definition is map)
    const flatFace = definition.face;

    const flatFaces = qTangentConnectedFaces(flatFace);
    // We use evPlane here because it is what newSketch uses
    const flatFacePlane = evPlane(context, {
                "face" : flatFace

    const points = getBoxPoints(context, flatFaces, [], flatFacePlane, definition.edgeSamples);

    var boundingBox;

    if (definition.calculateSmallest)
        boundingBox = calculateMinBox(context, flatFaces, [], flatFacePlane, definition.edgeSamples);

        var boxXDirection;
        if (definition.defaultCSys)
            boxXDirection = X_DIRECTION;
            if (size(evaluateQuery(context, definition.alignEdge)) != 2)
                throw regenError("Please select two points to align the bounds", ["alignEdge"]);

                const boxXPoints = qUnion([qSheetMetalFlatFilter(definition.alignEdge, SMFlatType.YES), qCorrespondingInFlat(definition.alignEdge)]);
                boxXDirection = evVertexPoint(context, {
                                "vertex" : qNthElement(boxXPoints, 0)
                            }) - evVertexPoint(context, {
                                "vertex" : qNthElement(boxXPoints, 1)
        const angle = atan2(boxXDirection[1], boxXDirection[0]) % (PI / 2 * radian);
        boundingBox = getBox2D(points, angle);

    const box3dCSys = coordSystem(WORLD_ORIGIN, vector(cos(boundingBox.angle), sin(boundingBox.angle), 0), Z_DIRECTION);

    const box3d = evBox3d(context, {
                "topology" : flatFaces,
                "tight" : true,
                "cSys" : box3dCSys

    const boxPoints = [
            vector(box3d.minCorner[0], box3d.maxCorner[1], 0 * meter),
            vector(box3d.maxCorner[0], box3d.minCorner[1], 0 * meter)

    var sketchBoxPoints = mapArray(boxPoints, function(point)
        return worldToPlane(flatFacePlane, toWorld(box3dCSys, point));

    sketchBoxPoints = append(sketchBoxPoints, sketchBoxPoints[0]);

    const sketch = newSketch(context, id + "sketch", {
                "sketchPlane" : flatFace

    skPolyline(sketch, "polyline", {
                "points" : sketchBoxPoints,
                "construction" : true


    if (definition.featureResult == BoundsFeatureResult.PRINT)
        // Print the result to the FS Console
        const unitInfo = getUnitAndUnitString(definition.unitOutput);
        const extents = getExtents(boundingBox, 0, unitInfo.lengthUnit);
        const length = extents.width;
        const width = extents.height;

        //My code, which sets the description field for the sheet metal part dimensions
        setProperty(context, {
                "entities" : definition.bodies,
                "propertyType" : PropertyType.DESCRIPTION,
                "value" : "Plate PL? x "~ length ~ " x " ~ width

        setErrorEntities(context, id, {
                    "entities" : qCreatedBy(id + "sketch", EntityType.EDGE)
        opDeleteBodies(context, id + "deleteSketch", {
                    "entities" : qCreatedBy(id + "sketch")

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