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Fillet failures

joseph_newcomerjoseph_newcomer Member Posts: 90 ✭✭✭
Here's an image of a belt tensioner block for a GT2 belt:

Note that not all the inner sides of the belt tooth grooves are filleted; for example, the second groove from the left does not have a filleted right edge.  Now, here's what happens if I try to fillet the edge:

Note that this forced an error condition.  Look at the lower left edge of the fillet indicator with the arrow, near the lower adjustment slot.  See the red curve?  Yeah, that.  I would be content to have only the edge shown in orange highlight filleted; clearly the fillet falling into the slider slot is just too complex.  Fine.  If I allowed edge overflow, lots of other edges could not be filleted, so I turned that off.  Turning on "Variable fillet" did not help.  If I turn off "tangent propagation", it does not attempt to take that corner, but then the whole fillet shown with the arrow coming out turns red.  There does not seem to be a way to deselect the curve, or limit the scope of the fillet to the edge I select.  What is the solution here?

I have shared this document with OnShape support; for everyone else, the link is

[I posted a question yesterday, and woke up this morning thinking about it, and solved the problem by boolean subtract.  But I have not yet seen the question appear so I can say that I have solved it.  In any case, this is today's sticking point question.]

OnShape is so much nicer than Inventor, I love it.  My problem is that I now try to do fancier things, and get stuck.  Nonetheless, great work, everyone.  
Thanks in advance to anyone helping me (I help in programming fora, and therefore appreciate the help I get here).


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    MBartlett21MBartlett21 Member, OS Professional, Developers Posts: 2,036 EDU
    Here's a guess at why:

    When you have the slots cut through, one end doesn't have the arc at the end tangent with the sides:

    This means that the fillet before it ends wierdly and is probably the root of your problems.

    Another point that could also contribute: your sketch shown hasn't been fully constrained, as shown by the blue lines in it when you open it up.
    mb - draftsman - also FS author: View FeatureScripts
    IR for AS/NZS 1100
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