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amir_livneamir_livne Member Posts: 76 EDU
Hi everybody
I'll appreciate if someone can show me hoe to create animation in such mechanism
Thank you


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    Matt_ShieldsMatt_Shields Member Posts: 279 PRO
    If you're using a Pin slot mate, you can animate one of the degrees of freedom.
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    amir_livneamir_livne Member Posts: 76 EDU
    That I know.. but I'm talking about 2 degrees of freedom
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    BenTaylorBenTaylor Member Posts: 44 PRO
    You can set up the assembly with two Pin Slot mates. Here's an example: Pin Mate Animation Assembly It requires an aligned mate connector for the angled slot. Animating the long slot mate creates this: 

    The animation doesn't get the full range of motion at the end of the slot because of the complex motion (the pin in the main slot has to go back down to get the other pin to the end of the angled slot). As far as I know, Onshape can't animate that sort of motion. But you can manually drag it through all the positions: 

    Ben Taylor
    Lead Mechanical Engineer @ Healing Innovations
    Onshape Ambassador
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    amir_livneamir_livne Member Posts: 76 EDU
    Thank you very much Ben :)
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    S1monS1mon Member Posts: 2,581 PRO
    I've never done it, but with the use of helper surfaces/curves, you might be able to fully animate this. Maybe cheat a little and use the clearance to make a path for the pin which goes into the angled slot which has a hairpin turn? Here's a quick sketch:

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    BenTaylorBenTaylor Member Posts: 44 PRO
    Just realized the issue with fully animating the path is the angle of the slot. If the slots are perpendicular, driving the mate will give you the full range of motion for an animation.
    Ben Taylor
    Lead Mechanical Engineer @ Healing Innovations
    Onshape Ambassador
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