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Create a fillet at an intersection between two parts

bernd_brinckenbernd_brincken Member Posts: 9
How do I create a fillet at an intersection between two parts?
All Howtos and Yt-Tutorials I find describe the (impressive) options to generate a fillet at an edge of a part.
What I want is a fillet between faces of two parts, like here marked with the yellow circle.


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    mahirmahir Member, Developers Posts: 1,296 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think what you're looking for is a Face Blend. OS just came out with this feature last month.

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    bernd_brinckenbernd_brincken Member Posts: 9
    I saw this function in the menu - but it does not work, no fillet is created after I selected the faces.

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    S1monS1mon Member Posts: 2,497 PRO
    Do you intend this to be a single part or two parts? What material(s) and fabrication methods are you anticipating? It seems like you perhaps made two parts when you really wanted one. Maybe you can sketch or describe better what it is that you're trying to achieve.

    You said in your first post "like here marked with the yellow circle" but there's no image.
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    eric_pestyeric_pesty Member Posts: 1,608 PRO
    You need to merge the parts together before you can apply a fillet (the surface blend will in some cases be able to do it) but in this case you need to make this a single part.
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    john_lopez363john_lopez363 Member Posts: 102 ✭✭
    From my experience, but I'm not expert by any stretch and could very well be wrong, Fillet only work on a faces of a single part... not between parts.

    In your Part Studio you have two separate parts.  Do a Boolean Join between those two parts (this will create ONE part). Do this step BEFORE the Fillet (or Face Blend).

    You might also consider modeling your parts a little differently than you did. 
    1. Create the Cylinder at the full length with the 1st Extrude
    2. Sketch the Block using an Offset plane at the distance you need, then when you Extrude the block use the "Add" operator (this will result in a single part instead of two).
    3. Add your Filet and/or Face blend
    As with a lot of thing with OS... there are usually multiple way to get to your end result.  Good luck.
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    bernd_brinckenbernd_brincken Member Posts: 9
    @S1mon: Basically my intention is to reproduce a construction I did with another CAD program, and understand the differences.
    @All - Thanks for the hints.
    I succeeded now to make a boolean-union of the two parts, and then apply a "surface blend" (inner fillet) at the ring, see the file.
    In the assembly view there is now an error in the object tree "Failed to resolve instance".
    Then again, in another assembly 'Ass_Test_b2' where I had inserted a third part, the union of the first 2 parts is not present, so it seems a copy of the parts was made when I generated this assembly, and the connection to the original parts is lost at this step.
    Okay, this might work as designed, and might make sense in some situations.
    Now, I tried to apply the inner fillet to the copied parts in this assembly.
    This has to be done in 'parts studio', because the assembly view does not offer boolean operations.
    BUT, if I click on the "Part Studio 1' tab, it's empty.
    It seems I first have to transfer the (orphaned) parts in a new Parts document, right?

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