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Standard Content - Insert Nuts

a_b873a_b873 Member Posts: 2
I am trying to insert some nuts from the Standard Content library.

As you can see the upper bolt has already a nut.

I select the flange plate and the nut is placed after the existing one.

Then I have tried to select the washer and use "Insert to closest" but the nut will not snap to the washer.


Then I have removed the upper nut too, and I have tried with "Insert furthest from selection", but only one nut was inserted.

I have already 30+ bolts with washers in my assembly. Please advice, how should I batch insert n


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    Matt_ShieldsMatt_Shields Member Posts: 261 PRO
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    nick_papageorge073nick_papageorge073 Member, csevp Posts: 716 PRO
    edited January 6
    Yes replicate. 

    In addition, if all the fasteners are the same, you can make a subasm of the bolt+washer+nut. Set the sub up so that the washer and nut are the correct distance from the head. Fasten that sub once into the top level asm. Then replicate the whole sub at each location. 

    That will save you a lot of time and effort. 
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