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How do I create a centerline on a hole or hole shape?

I create a hole that goes thru a wall on a tube. How do I create a centerline of that hole that I can illustrate it and dimension to it in the drawing? In Solidworks you can create the centerline by selection the cylinder that is the hole, but I can't figure out how to do that in Onshape. This would seem to be a pretty basic function. The HELP system doesn't return any examples or information.

Thanks in advance.


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    viruviru Member, Developers Posts: 619 ✭✭✭✭
    @ken_abramczyk , Kindly refer below video which may be helpful to you.

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    ken_abramczykken_abramczyk Member Posts: 5
    This is a fine video, but it doesn't answer my question. It looks as though you cannot create a centerline on a hole unless you create a section view. Cumbersome, but does work to create a VISUAL centerline. Now, how do you select that centerline to display the anglular dimension? It doesn't look like the created centerline can be used for anything as it cannot be picked, nor can you pick it's end points or it's intersection with any other entities. Am I missing something?
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    ken_abramczykken_abramczyk Member Posts: 5
    Please look at my example file: 151211A-WEH. You will notice that the centerline is not on the hole anymore because I moved the geometry and the hole moved but the centerline did not. I manually created that centerline and dimension, but left it on the drawing to illustrate the problem.
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    ken_abramczykken_abramczyk Member Posts: 5
    I don't understand why this thread has been deemed 'Answered' when it hasn't been.
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    henry_feldmanhenry_feldman Member Posts: 126 EDU
    I don't understand why this thread has been deemed 'Answered' when it hasn't been.
    the answered in blue just means there are answers. Green with a check is when you select "did this answer your question: yes"
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    _Ðave__Ðave_ Member, Developers Posts: 712 ✭✭✭✭
    ken Onshape has not addressed this known issue yet. Please sent feedback to Onshape and request.
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