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Why wont my title block graphics display?

kevin_thorpkevin_thorp Member Posts: 7 EDU
I created a custom title block template, including our robotics team name in regular text and a .PNG of our logo. I did this twice - for a A-size drawings and C-size.

Now when I create new C-size drawings and choose our custom template, neither the text nor the graphic show up. So I opened the template file. It looks fine.

When I create new A-size drawings, the text & graphic display fine. I can't see the difference when I compare my A-size & C-size template files.



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    STEGSTEG Member, User Group Leader Posts: 81 PRO
    Hi @kevin_thorp,

    Have you tried "Bring to front" the logos before exporting your Onshape drawing to a template?
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