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Onshape Customer Highlights! - Design Whats Next

IgnacioMartosIgnacioMartos Member, Onshape Employees Posts: 18 PRO
Exciting news! Onshape just launched a new video and webpage featuring five unique companies that are designing dynamic, path-breaking products in cloud-native Onshape. The theme is "Design What's Next" which reflects our belief in innovation.

Take a look at their work -- we hope it inspires you: https://www.onshape.com/en/design?utm_source=onshape&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=2024_Brand_Campaign&mostrecentleadsource=onshape-forum--20890


If you want your company to be highlighted in future collaborations, fill out our testimonial form! https://forms.gle/6ruMkQpU4m1GMvBy5 
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