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Adding costs to parts

james_allison451james_allison451 Member Posts: 5
Hi there, I'm a newbie so apology if this question has already been answered elsewhere on this forum.  Say I created a model of an outdoor vegetable planter box made of H4 treated wood planks of various depths and widths. The model also has variable configurations for different planter box lengths, widths, heights etc. Is there a way of calculating within Onshape the total of wood used and fasteners for different configurations?  If not, is it on a list for development?


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    matthew_stacymatthew_stacy Member Posts: 486 PRO
    @james_allison451, the short answer is, YES ... or at least "probably" depending on exactly what you want to achieve.

    The longer answer is to create a simple model (and drawing) to illustrate what you're trying to do.  Share that document as "public" and post the URL here in the forum.  You're likely to get a more useful answer if you can provide a good example.  If a picture is worth a thousand words ... then a solid model is probably good for at least 10k.
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