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How to put a constraint on an extrusion ?


I'm new to OnShape and struggle a little with parmeters.

I manage to set constraints in a sketch like it's done in this tutorial. Then I want to extrude it and be able to set the depth of the extrusion as a constraint. How do you do that ?

Example :
I create a rectangle in a new sketch. I put constraints on width and height. Then I define another constraint, one corner of the rectangle begin the origin of the 3D workspace. This makes my rectangle black. Nice.
Then I extrude it to make it become a block. Let' say I extrude it by 1 mm. Fine. But how do I make this 1 mm become a constraint ?

Also.... Is there a way to define these dimensions (height, width of my rectangle and extrusion depth) as parameters in a specific windows ? In somewhere where I have a list of these paramteters and can resize the whole assembly just by modifying them ?

Thanks for your help !

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    bruce_williamsbruce_williams Member, Developers Posts: 842 EDU
    Hi Sebastien,  welcome!

    Constraints technically only apply to sketch geometry.  Features as in your extrude are controled by sketches and parameters in the dialog box.  No need to make your 1mm a constraint. It is already controlling thicness.

    on your second question, use variables.  
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