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Using a measurement as a parameter

How can I use absolute Y position of a point as a parameter for my model?

For example, I have a point in (0,100,150): how can I extrude a surface by this "100", so as the extrusion lenght changes upon Y position changing?
I can see the "100" in the measurements panels, but how do I link it to my part?


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    rick_randallrick_randall Member Posts: 135 ✭✭✭
    S1mon said:

    Simon is right. Use variables & configurations, this is kind of a deep dive subject - but you won't regret learning about this (this is where all the magic happens).
    Good luck
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    eric_pestyeric_pesty Member Posts: 1,607 PRO
    Easy to do with a measured variable but how about just extruding "up to point" instead?
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    jumpjack_jumpjackjumpjack_jumpjack Member Posts: 21
    Why don't I have the icon for creating a variable in the measures panel?!?

    Fortunately I found a "measurement to variable" Feature Script.
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    S1monS1mon Member Posts: 2,492 PRO
    You need to select two things to get the icon. If you just select a point, it doesn't work (it probably should, but there is a solution). If you select another point or a plane (but not the origin - WTF?) it will work.
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    jumpjack_jumpjackjumpjack_jumpjack Member Posts: 21
    yes, but I need the absolute coordinate, not a distance or length; I had to draw lines and planes throught the origin to get the coordinates.
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    eric_pestyeric_pesty Member Posts: 1,607 PRO
    yes, but I need the absolute coordinate, not a distance or length; I had to draw lines and planes throught the origin to get the coordinates.
    If you measure from something at the origin (seem like you can't use the origin itself for some reason?), then the x, y, z measurement are the same as the absolute coordinates...
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    jumpjack_jumpjackjumpjack_jumpjack Member Posts: 21
    I got it, but I think it's a bug: if I just click on a point and open measurements panel, its coordinates are shown, but they cannot be associated to a variable; but if I click the point and the origin, same values are shown, but they can be associated to a variable.

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    _anton_anton Member, Onshape Employees Posts: 324
    I got it, but I think it's a bug: if I just click on a point and open measurements panel, its coordinates are shown, but they cannot be associated to a variable; but if I click the point and the origin, same values are shown, but they can be associated to a variable.
    Our variable feature doesn't let you measure world-space positions because they tend to not be useful. If you need them, then it's likely that you're not working idiomatically (to which, of course, there are exceptions). Selecting a point and the origin measures the distance between the two, which is allowed.

    Can you just make an offset plane from, e.g., the Top plane, and use that as the up-to entity for an extrude?
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    jumpjack_jumpjackjumpjack_jumpjack Member Posts: 21
    my model needs a "new origin" : once, after building, connecting and rotating some parts, I determine the position of this new point, I draw a bunch of new parts whose dimensions, orientation and position depend on this new origin.
    It's a Foucault siderostat, very difficult to explain in a few words. 
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