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Fix origins with first part in an assembly?

Mein_conatumMein_conatum Member Posts: 3 PRO
I want to fix the first part of an assembly to the origin. How? 


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    nick_papageorge073nick_papageorge073 Member, csevp Posts: 701 PRO
    edited March 8
    Add a mate connector in the part studio to the origin. Make sure its owner is the part in question.

    (optional, I personally always do this, and it helps with a subasm in a larger level asm later): Add a mate connector in the assembly as the first feature, tied to the assembly origin.

    In the assembly, use fasten mate to mate the MC from the part to the MC of the asm. If you didn't do the optional step, you'd fasten-mate to the assembly origin instead. If you end up with many parts, and many MC's on the screen, you can pick the two MC's from the tree instead of the graphics. This makes it much easier IMO.

    Also super helpful is the featurescript called "multi-mate connector". It will copy the MC you made as the first step to however many parts you like in a single part studio. This way you can fasten mate each to the asm MC the exact same way in the assembly.
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