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Substract from a mesh?

andrea_rossi972andrea_rossi972 Member Posts: 15 ✭✭
Hi guys, 
I have a 3d scan obtained from the console of my microcar citroen ami. I would like to subtract a 3d scan obj mesh from a cube to create a 3d printed support for an audio speaker.
Is there a way to do that?
I tried to model the part using a caliper but it is too irregular.

Thank you


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    GregBrownGregBrown Member, Onshape Employees Posts: 113
    Answer ✓
    While it is possible to use such workflows (see https://cad.onshape.com/help/Content/mixedmodeling.htm?Highlight=mixed%20modeling) the mesh you have is not clean enough for you to use. You would would have to decimate it, get rid of disjoint facets and so on. There are tools like MeshLab that are good for this (https://www.meshlab.net/

    In addition you may want to look at using a different scanning device that is designed for such scale, or at least tune the one you have. 
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    andrea_rossi972andrea_rossi972 Member Posts: 15 ✭✭
    Thank you very much for your fast answer. Unfortunately I don't have a dedicate scanner, I am using a cellphone for this task. I am going to try to my wife  phone ,  Pixel 7 pro . It should have a better camera than mine, but maybe it will be not good enough event that 
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