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Boolean operation results in non-manifold body

Nimaye_GarodiaNimaye_Garodia Member Posts: 2
Hi! I was trying to combine the 3 parts I have on this fairly simple design: https://cad.onshape.com/documents/1b3d89538a575a3779d0a2f9/w/8a314b8a924596e0e9200adb/e/8cf758b00f1ce1a39a4bf42e?renderMode=0&uiState=660e19e460e250121b92aa88. However, it gives me the error message as stated above. How could I fix this?


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    David_YL_NguyenDavid_YL_Nguyen Member, Onshape Employees Posts: 103
    Hey @Nimaye_Garodia,

    This gives you an error because the result is non-manifold geometry (you can search the forum if you want to understand better what that is).
    You don't need to do a boolean operation to combine this, you also don't need to extrude 3 bodies. You can just use one extrude feature and select all the sketch entities that you wanted to create a single combined body.

    Hope this helps. 


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    STEGSTEG Member, User Group Leader Posts: 81 PRO
    There is a problem with your sketch where you can see below. Looks like there are 2 arcs at this place with different radiuses and it creates an empty spaces between Part 1 and Part 2 thus creating a new part. I found it when I saw your Extrude2 is in Add mode but creates a new part.

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