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Best Practice on file organisation and reference parts to each other ?

SylvainKleinSylvainKlein Member Posts: 4
Hi everyone,

I'm Sylvain and I'm asking you how do you organize your file and parts.
In Fusion 360 (I have more experience with Fusion) Components are like Part Studio in Onshape. 

The difference is that in Onshape if I create a new Part Studio, I switch to an entirely new "scene" which results of having a blank scene. But often the new part I want to create need some reference/boolean-action/other-stuff from another part. 

What is the best practice to manage these kind of situation in OnShape ?

I hope I'm clear enough, sorry if my English was not great.
Thanks ^^


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    S1monS1mon Member Posts: 2,477 PRO
    For parts which are static in relation to one another, I prefer to use the derive feature to reference things. For parts where clearances and mounting features may need to reference several different positions in an assembly, in-context can be very useful.

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    eric_pestyeric_pesty Member Posts: 1,596 PRO
    You can also just create multiple parts in a single part studio, which sounds like what you are asking for.

    For a more comprehensive answer I would recommend looking at: https://learn.onshape.com/learn/learning-path/top-down-design

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    SylvainKleinSylvainKlein Member Posts: 4
    S1mon said:
    For parts which are static in relation to one another, I prefer to use the derive feature to reference things. For parts where clearances and mounting features may need to reference several different positions in an assembly, in-context can be very useful.

    I see, I tested these features but didn't know when to use which. Your explanation helps, thanks.

    You can also just create multiple parts in a single part studio, which sounds like what you are asking for.

    For a more comprehensive answer I would recommend looking at: https://learn.onshape.com/learn/learning-path/top-down-design

    Yes for sure I can but I wanted to know if there is a better propper way to organize models in OnShape.

    I think the best way is to use both. If the parts are always static between them I model them in one part studio (top-down-design method) and if they are moving parts in the final product I model them separately which allow me to do an assembly at the end.

    Thanks both of you :)
    Have a nice day
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