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Rendering Question

GWS50GWS50 Member Posts: 386 PRO
I have been experimenting with Render Studio and come up a against a problem I can't solve.
After applying an FFF Texture to a part I can't seem to rotate it the texture to the correct plane/face of the part. The projection seems set to the z axis.
I've tried playing around with the uv projection but it seems to have no effect on the texture.
What am I missing?


Best Answers

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    GregBrownGregBrown Member, Onshape Employees Posts: 113
    edited April 12 Answer ✓
    Select the top level node in the view graph and transform it 90deg in Z
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    Paul_ArdenPaul_Arden Member, Onshape Employees, Developers Posts: 184
    Answer ✓
    @GWS50 Unfortunately at the moment the FFF appearance does not support arbitrary orientations of the layer lines. It is not affected by projectors since it does not use UV coordinates for positioning. Potentially a feature could be added to allow rotations to be specified by the user to re-orient the layer lines, when and whether that would be implemented would depend on demand. Please feel free to submit a ticket referencing this thread to express interest in having this feature so it gets into our lists.

    The current FFF appearance takes advantage of being able to automate the layer line placement without needing to mess around with UV coordinates, however for cases where you need a very specific orientation it obviously has limitations.

    There are other ways to achieve the 3D printed look without using this appearance. For example using the tangent_space_normal_texture function with a specially crafted normal map which can then be arbitrarily tiled and oriented using UV coordinates like a more conventional texture. Using that approach you'd need to work out the tiling you want to get the scale of the layer lines right since when using UV coordinates there is no concept of real-world units but if you are just going for a look that isn't such a problem.

    I do have a .exr file with such a crafted normal map in it but am unable to attach that on the forum. If you do submit a ticket for the feature request I can have it sent through that ticket though.


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    GregBrownGregBrown Member, Onshape Employees Posts: 113
    Did you try the "Flip orientation" on the properties of the appearance?

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    GWS50GWS50 Member Posts: 386 PRO
    I did try the Flip Orientation but I still couldn't get it to 'move' onto the right plane

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    GregBrownGregBrown Member, Onshape Employees Posts: 113
    edited April 12 Answer ✓
    Select the top level node in the view graph and transform it 90deg in Z
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    eric_pestyeric_pesty Member Posts: 1,595 PRO
    edited April 12
    I think you need a different UV projector (but I don't really know how these work...)
    Never mind, looks like Greg provided an answer already!
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    GWS50GWS50 Member Posts: 386 PRO
    Thank you Greg, that works but only for this single part. Unfortunately If i have several of these in an assembly at varying angles I can't rotate the parts to match the texture as it would change the assembly.
    Is there a way of aligning the texture without repositioning the part?
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    Paul_ArdenPaul_Arden Member, Onshape Employees, Developers Posts: 184
    Answer ✓
    @GWS50 Unfortunately at the moment the FFF appearance does not support arbitrary orientations of the layer lines. It is not affected by projectors since it does not use UV coordinates for positioning. Potentially a feature could be added to allow rotations to be specified by the user to re-orient the layer lines, when and whether that would be implemented would depend on demand. Please feel free to submit a ticket referencing this thread to express interest in having this feature so it gets into our lists.

    The current FFF appearance takes advantage of being able to automate the layer line placement without needing to mess around with UV coordinates, however for cases where you need a very specific orientation it obviously has limitations.

    There are other ways to achieve the 3D printed look without using this appearance. For example using the tangent_space_normal_texture function with a specially crafted normal map which can then be arbitrarily tiled and oriented using UV coordinates like a more conventional texture. Using that approach you'd need to work out the tiling you want to get the scale of the layer lines right since when using UV coordinates there is no concept of real-world units but if you are just going for a look that isn't such a problem.

    I do have a .exr file with such a crafted normal map in it but am unable to attach that on the forum. If you do submit a ticket for the feature request I can have it sent through that ticket though.
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    GWS50GWS50 Member Posts: 386 PRO
    Many thanks for the explanation. At this point I'm just getting to grips with the finer points of rendering so I'm learning as I go. Greg's videos on rendering have been most useful, explaining the use of UV projection.
    There are other things such as saving a user altered material as your own and face selection being a little clearer in the UI (also multiple face selection)
    Not having dabbled much in rendering before now it's an interesting learning experience
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