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Strategy when designing in context for migrating revisions back to the context assembly?

dave_franchinodave_franchino Member Posts: 45
Hey Folks, 

Conceptual block here on designing in context. If I edit a part in an assembly in context and ADD new parts, is there an easy way to migrate these parts back to the assembly I was using for in-context editing? 

I have an assembly which is the product of another (sub)assembly and then parts from a part studio. 

I did an in-context edit and added a few parts to the part studio.  They do appear inside my part studio when I switch to that context. But I was expecting the parts to "appear" in my assembly ala Solidworks and they do not. Do I need to manually go in and add/assemble these new parts to that assembly, even though it was that assembly that was used to create the parts?

Sorry for my confusion!


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