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How to extrude along a mixed straight + curved part?

dani_ciandani_cian Member Posts: 5
Hi folks, new to the CAD world and loving Onshape so far.
I'm trying to design a "fancy" enclosure that requires mounting on an handlebar.

The cover for the enclosure partially follows the shape of the handlebar, therefore it is a mix of straight and curved faces.

I'm trying to add a mounting lip on the cover, which should aid with alignment with the enclosure body during fastening.

Basically this is what I'm trying to do, but I'm a bit lost on how I could do this effectively (not too hacky, so to speak).
As you can see, there are additional faces during extrusion since I'm drawing the profile on a plane that is resting on the straight faces.

Any pointers?

Thanks a lot for the help!

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    nick_papageorge073nick_papageorge073 Member, csevp Posts: 716 PRO
    One way:

    When you have the basic shape, but before you add the ribs, offset the top surface the height you want the ribs to be as a new surface.

    Next, draw the ribs like you did, but draw them on a plane above the part, and extrude them downwards, "up to next". The ribs will be very tall, something like 1" tall.

    Finally, use the surface you made to trim the tops of the ribs away.
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    David_YL_NguyenDavid_YL_Nguyen Member, Onshape Employees Posts: 103
    edited June 3 Answer ✓
    Hey @dani_cian,

    This would be my approach, using a Thin Extrude Feature and then splitting it with an offset face. What do you think?
    I think actually, that's pretty much what @nick_papageorge073 has described as well. Cheers


    I might have broken some of your downstream features though.

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    dani_ciandani_cian Member Posts: 5
    Hi @David_YL_Nguyen, it worked perfectly - there was an additional face to remove but no biggie with Extrude Remove. Thanks a lot!
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