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Creating a banked turn.

brian_bradley438brian_bradley438 Member Posts: 2
I'm trying to model a custom banked turn for a hotwheels track, think something like the turn on a NASCAR speedway. I've tried numerous methods and for the life of me can't figure out to do such a thing. How would you go about creating something like that and which tools would you used. I want the turn I'm making to twist to the desired bank angle while also curving at the same time instead of twisting to the bank angle and then curving afterwards if that makes any sense.


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    martin_kopplowmartin_kopplow Member Posts: 353 PRO
    edited June 18
    I'd design the curve as a sketch and the track profile(s) as simple straight lines to define the track width. Then I'd use the loft tool to create a base surface and thicken that into the desired track thickness, then shell it.

    A simple arc as the curvature definition would be oversimplified, though.
    Remember the bank needs to start and end in the straight run-in and run-out before and after the curve. The curve itself is a pretty simple thing with a constant bank angle where the radius is constant, and can be created as a rotate. A more complex approach would be to make the curvature hyperbolic and associate the bank angle to the radius at any one point. Then, it could be directly connected to a straight part.

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