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Gridfinity in onshape

harel_barak952harel_barak952 Member Posts: 17
I'm looking for some help in Gridfinity modifications. I'm pretty new to Onshape.
I want to have a way to change the grid and bean size. lets say the original Gridfinity bean is 42X42X7 mm, so I want to have a way to change it to 40X40X5 mm, and also adjusting the grid to those specific measures. 
I want to change the dimensions to be able to make specific fit for different drawers that I have in my garage. 
this website is a grate example of what I want - https://gridfinity.perplexinglabs.com/ 
you can change the bin dimension and then the grid dimension and make them fit together. 
I saw this shared document that is looking good to me - https://cad.onshape.com/documents/a33076f9d5e90e75db5dc4c8/w/d83242a2770b1d838fcc061a/e/000632cae702373408d9c54f
But I didn't quite understand if it's possible to do what I described. If it's not possible, is it a fairly simple matter to create a variable that will do the calculation needed to adjust the dimensions of the two parts so that they fit together?
I just want a way to do what I can do in the generator site ( https://gridfinity.perplexinglabs.com/ ) but in Onshape. 
thank and I hope you understand 


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    nick_papageorge073nick_papageorge073 Member, csevp Posts: 726 PRO
    There is already a gridfinity featurescript. You don’t have to do any modeling. It works great, I used it one week ago. I’m on mobile now, I’ll link it for you later if no one else does. 
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    nick_papageorge073nick_papageorge073 Member, csevp Posts: 726 PRO

    Above is the FS. It has a tab for the bins and a tab for the grid. You need to add them both to your toolbar.

    This won't do exactly what you want of changing the grid size. However, it does have an option to add filler space to any/all sides of the grid. This will allow it to fill your drawers.

    It's really nice and easy to use. Me personally, I would just use it as-is, and not try to save a few mm of drawer space.

    If you really do want to modify it from 42mm to 40mm, you can copy the FS document and edit it. I don't know what I'm doing with FS, but I poked around, and went to line 236 and changed the 42 to another number. I tried it at 52 and it worked for me, but I didn't investigate it thoroughly to see if there was any failure that was not obvious. Of course, you'd have to find the equivalent line on the grid FS and change it there also.

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    harel_barak952harel_barak952 Member Posts: 17
    thanks I saw an option to chnage the base size in the global variable table 
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