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Is there a way to edit or delete a "version"?

BulletEngineeringBulletEngineering Member Posts: 24 PRO
edited July 2016 in Community Support
When I was introduced to the "version" system, I assumed it would behave somewhat like the SolidWorks Configuration system - as in one could have an assortment of versions that belong in different assemblies.  This would also explain why a version of a document is required to insert a part into an assembly.  However, the version system instead acts as a cumbersome "snap-shot" system.  Any time something isn't working quite right in an assembly, the user has to go back to the main version, make the correction, and make an entirely NEW version.  This ends up creating piles of versions within a given part.  One can't simply go into one configuration for one assembly and make a small edit.  It seems impossible to edit the versions you already have or even delete the endless supply of unneeded versions...  It would be ideal if an user could name the version to correlate with a given assembly and then edit that version as necessary.  But even if one could delete a version with a mistake in it and replace it with the correct version, the process would be smoother.  Am I missing a way to make this more simple?

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    stevehessstevehess Moderator, Onshape Employees, Developers Posts: 98
    Hi @brian_brady ,

    As you might imagine, a lot can happen as we roll out new functionality so we don't forecast release dates.  Having said that, we definitely understand that design tables and the the related operations are very important to our customers.  So please stay tuned......

    And great to hear your thoughts on teaching 3D CAD, we completely agree.  :)

    Be sure to keep current on our FEA partners in the appstore though. We have some excellent FEA options which you will very useful, especially in an educational environment. Please have an honest look at them look before jumping to Creo.

    Steve Hess \ Onshape Inc.
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    brian_bradybrian_brady Member, Developers Posts: 505 EDU
    We have a Creo license at school, so the jump is actually to OS. Whatever I do, it needs to be free to students and myself for as long as the class lasts and until the students graduate so they can use OS and the selected FEA app in their senior projects. Plus, the FEA app needs to be as easy to use as Creo Simulate. I tried Simscale and it is not nearly as easy to run as Creo. I don't recall seeing another FEA partner that fits my requirements.
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    william_luckewilliam_lucke Member Posts: 7 ✭✭
    This was 17 months ago. Is it soon yet?
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    MBartlett21MBartlett21 Member, OS Professional, Developers Posts: 2,036 EDU
    When are configurations going to come??
    mb - draftsman - also FS author: View FeatureScripts
    IR for AS/NZS 1100
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