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Generate sketch from part

fmafma Member Posts: 87 ✭✭

Is there a way to generate a sketch from a part, by defining a custom cut or projection plane?

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    shanshanshanshan Member Posts: 147 ✭✭✭
    there is a "Use" command in sketch , you can generate sketch from any part with it 

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    fmafma Member Posts: 87 ✭✭
    Thanks. But it does not work exactly as I expect; I would like to get the intersection between the part and the sketch plane...
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    fmafma Member Posts: 87 ✭✭
    edited December 2016
    The intersection tool is for faces, not parts. You have to select all faces! For external ones, it is OK, but for internal ones, this is very complicated.
    More, if you change the sketch plane, all is gone.

    In fact, the Section View is close to what I'm looking for, but I didn't find a way to generate the sketch of the intersection... Is it possible? If not, it would be great to implement it (and not too difficult, I think)...
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    fmafma Member Posts: 87 ✭✭
    Thanks for the work around! It works fine.

    Is it possible to make such operations automatically using FeatureScript? I didn't dig yet into this powerfull feature...
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    mahirmahir Member, Developers Posts: 1,296 ✭✭✭✭✭
    There are various ways to section parts in FeatureScript, but there is no FS equivalent of the Use and Intersect functions. So you can't really automate the creation of a sketch using those functions.
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    lanalana Onshape Employees Posts: 703
    Copy part , split copy, use split face in sketch, delete both pieces of copy  would give you a better downstream performance than merging pieces back together. 

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    mahirmahir Member, Developers Posts: 1,296 ✭✭✭✭✭
    What @lana said. I was trying to automate that same procedure with FS when I ran into the Use/Intersect limitation.
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    fmafma Member Posts: 87 ✭✭
    Ok, I see.
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