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Fillet not working

cory_isaacsoncory_isaacson Member, Developers Posts: 43 PRO
This query is valid, it selects the edge that I want to fillet.

Any reason why the fillet is not working?
</code><code>// Query for the line between the points.<br>    var upperLeftEdgeQuery is Query = qGeometry(upperLeftPointsQuery, GeometryType.LINE);<br>    logMessage(context, "upperLeftEdgeQuery", upperLeftEdgeQuery);<br>    <br>    // Perform the fillet.<br>    opFillet(context, id + "fillet1", {<br>                "entities" : upperLeftEdgeQuery,<br>                "radius" : value.filletRadius<br>    <span>});<br><br></span>

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    ilya_baranilya_baran Onshape Employees, Developers, HDM Posts: 1,185
    What's the error?  Can you link to the document so that it's possible to debug?
    Ilya Baran \ VP, Architecture and FeatureScript \ Onshape Inc
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    cory_isaacsoncory_isaacson Member, Developers Posts: 43 PRO
    There is no error, it just doesn't do anything (or looked that way). Now I think I see the issue, I added a query for the fillet after it is complete (see the image below). It looks like it is doing the fillet properly, but the remainder of the corner is still there. Do I need to do a boolean after the fillet? When I do the fillet through the normal part studio it works as expected.

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    cory_isaacsoncory_isaacson Member, Developers Posts: 43 PRO
    Thanks. I see what happened, it was just because the debug was highlighting the part before the fillet and it didn't update. Once the dialog was closed it all looks perfect.
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