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How to reorient an In-Context Sketch?

Henk_de_VlaamHenk_de_Vlaam Member, Developers Posts: 239 ✭✭✭
edited January 2017 in Community Support

I like to make a steering connection rod (C) between the bush of the front fork (A) and the rack (B)

Fortunately it is possible now to use the new In-Context functionality.

  1. I made a Mate connector in a hole in the rack as base for the context part studio and rotated it by guess so that I hope that the sketching plane of the new part studio passes through the center of the hole in A.
  2. While sketching the rod (C) I found that the sketching plane did not pass through the center line of the bush hole (see square marking).

  3. So I rotated the mate connector to correct the sketching plane. However the sketching plane did not follow that rotation. Note the angle between the sketch and the X-axis of the mate connector (see round marking).


  1. Is it possible to reorient/rotate the sketching plane after creation
  2. Or even better: is it possible to create an In-Context sketching plane in relation to more than one entity (at this moment in context only one mate connector)?
Henk de Vlaam (NL)

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    RKRK OS Professional Posts: 16 PRO
    Would you be able to show the sketch plane you are using?  You may have to create a plane first by connecting the center points of A and B and then create the rod sketch.  Yet, I am wondering if the sweep path can be controlled much without 3d sketching capability.
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    Henk_de_VlaamHenk_de_Vlaam Member, Developers Posts: 239 ✭✭✭
    1. I can only show the sketch plane in the In-Context part studio.

    2. How do I create a plane or a connection entitity between the holes in the assembly? In a way, that is part of my second question.
    3. The shape of the rod does not need a 3D sketch, only a 2D sketch plane in the right position is needed.
    Henk de Vlaam (NL)
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    Henk_de_VlaamHenk_de_Vlaam Member, Developers Posts: 239 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2017

    Now it’s clear.

    ICD; what an impressive feature!

    I succeeded to make the rod, especially with the help of Cody Armstrong’s https://onshape.wistia.com/medias/suv670wfof?utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=41042688&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-8goBt4_tdXslPA0vWS2kUFYx9DmdfghrZHMdahQ1ISoptZkeSR0hTYr2CJjVpi7SPCFhFIdLdAM9Hn-iD6m1yPIMKDfA&_hsmi=41042688 (very informative!), where at 50:45 it became clear that one can use other sketch planes then the initial ones that are created while selecting the origin or a mate connector.

    @Jake_Rosenfeld and @RK : The hint of you both about the (sketch) plane through 3 points and how to make that helped me also very much. Thank you.
    Henk de Vlaam (NL)
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