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Uptick in Lag Time and Weird Bugs

tracy_foleytracy_foley Member Posts: 1
My students are using OnShape and for the last 3 days, on some models (several different ones, can't find any similarity between them), it has been pretty much non-functional.  Freezing, deleting things, making phantom shapes.  Anyone have any ideas for trouble shooting?  It's happening in Explorer and Chrome.


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    EvanEvan Onshape Employees Posts: 62
    Sorry to hear about your issues.  Could you please provide feedback from the feedback tool from one or more of the problematic documents?  This helps us track issues with particular documents and environments, and makes it easier to get issues into our bug tracking system.  The feedback tool can be found under the "?" menu toward the upper right part of the page:

    Also, please note that Onshape does not officially support Internet Explorer or Edge.  We recommend using Chrome, Firefox, or Safari (on Mac).
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