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Balloon Callout problem

brian_pinder662brian_pinder662 Member Posts: 119 ✭✭
A recent update to open BOM enables the balloon callouts to reference the BOM in the drawing. Open BOM video shoes how this is done and is a welcome addition. However on my attempt to to work this into my drawing the callout does not respond to input. I have contacted Oleg at OpenBOM 
and we have spent quite some time trying to resolve the problem via a web meeting. It appears that for some reason the BOM is not bounding to Onshape in my case. Is there anyone out there that has had the same problem and managed to correct it as it could be a problem in Onshape.

Many thanks Brian


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    PeteYodisPeteYodis Moderator, Onshape Employees Posts: 524
    @brian_pinder662 Please use the feedback tool and report the issue and we can take a closer look at it.  
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    brian_pinder662brian_pinder662 Member Posts: 119 ✭✭
    Thank you will do that, maybe should have done that first but still new to procedures.
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    chrisjh777chrisjh777 Member Posts: 207 ✭✭✭✭
    I struggled with this today, and discovered that you MUST check that the part/parts properties view being referenced in the drawing are linked to the BOM. 

    You do this by RMB on the part/parts View and select "Properties".  make sure that the view and the BOM are the same. 

    If you have a drawing with multiple sheets (as I do) the reference properties link is correct for the first sheet, but you have to manually adjust the properties for every subsequent sheet, as it always defaults ti the initial sheet reference.

    Confusing?  I found it very confusing.

    Check out the video in this article here:  https://medium.com/@openbom/openbom-and-onshape-new-automatic-callouts-balloons-dac7096282d2 
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    brian_pinder662brian_pinder662 Member Posts: 119 ✭✭
    Thank you for your reply, I have studied the video many times, and yes my view does reference the correct BOM. I have been trying for hours now trying various options (different drawings, fresh BOM) but callout box will not respond to input. Prior to this update the callout box worked fine allowing me to manually input numbers, any further suggestions would be appreciated as I am now becoming very frustrated at not being able to move on.
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    chrisjh777chrisjh777 Member Posts: 207 ✭✭✭✭
    OK Brian,

    There is one vital set of steps I forgot to outline.  That is:

    1.  Create your Assembly BOM (Must be a Single Level BOM, Multi-Levels do not allow "Balloon Numbers" to be Auto Generated, or at least, I could not get them to respond.)

    2. Once you have your Single Level BOM with Balloon Numbers to your satisfaction, you MUST click on "Update Onshape Properties" Button and wait until the update process completes.  This can take some time to complete.  If you do not complete this step, you end up with empty cells in the Balloon Column in your drawing.

    3. Open your drawing and insert the BOM.  You should see the Balloon Numbers exactly as you saw them in Step 2.

    4.  Click on the Balloon Button and click on each part within the assembly.  You should see the Balloon Number appear for each part.  If you wish,you can customize them as per the Vic's video.

    This worked for me yesterday after much frustration.

    The process is so complex and involves intensive, methodical, and repetitive manual step by step consecutive operations.  I am forced to write a process procedure, so I remember how I achieved it in 6 -12 months time.

    I thought that in this day and age, the process would have been intuitive, seamless and automatic, but I was wrong.

    Hope this helps.

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    brian_pinder662brian_pinder662 Member Posts: 119 ✭✭
    Thanks chrisjh777,  My problem has been put down to a Bug by Onshape support. It appears that it is the safari browser I am using is the problem. They are looking into it and will advise when sorted. They have suggested I try chrome or firefox for the time being. Although I have tried Chrome but for some reason Onshape will not accept my password. (Another problem) but am sure we will get there eventually 
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    brian_pinder662brian_pinder662 Member Posts: 119 ✭✭
    Problem solved, many thanks to all who offered advice. Regards sign in, Onshape support advised to reset password which worked fine.
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