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Scaling irregular shapes

mario_darceuilmario_darceuil Member Posts: 108 ✭✭
I want to scale up my deer in the Parts studio but I don't know how to set dimensions because the image is irregularly shaped. Notice that there are curves, a head, body and legs; all having different dimensions. Do I set one dimension and then when I transform (scale up) all other dimensions are set in the same ratio? Please help. I haven't given any dimensions as yet.

Also if I set 0.5 inch holes for bolts, wouldn't they get scaled up too, even larger when I transform? Please



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    Jake_RosenfeldJake_Rosenfeld Moderator, Onshape Employees, Developers Posts: 1,646
    Hi @mario_darceuil

    As of right now, there is no way to scale an entire sketch.  I would suggest that you Extrude your sketch, do all the scaling that you want with the Transform feature (See: Scale uniformly option), and then drill the holes after you are happy with the scale.

    I tried to do this for you, but found that the sketch you provided was not extrudable, because it didn't form a closed profile.  I fixed this for you, and set up a system by which you can specify the desired final length and width of the deer, and drilled some bolt holes as an example.  Here you go:

    Feel free to copy this document and change the finalLength of finalWidth values to see the size of the deer change accordingly.  You won't need to change the scaleFactor variable (as it is not hard-coded, its just an equation based on the measured initial length and the desired final length).  You won't need to change the values on the extrude either, its keyed off of the scale factor and the desired final width such that the deer will be finalWidth wide after the scaling is applied.

    Hopefully this helps.  Keep in mind that you can design the rear assembly mount and the deer in the same Part Studio if you want the bolt holes to line up without any extra effort on your part.
    Jake Rosenfeld - Modeling Team
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