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Creating drawings on iPad/mobile

GFTGFT Member Posts: 3
Are there any plans to add full drawing creation to mobile?

I primarily use Onshape on my IPad, and really have zero desire to use it on a desktop, but must when I wish to make drawings of the parts I have created. I am a metrologist professionally, and really enjoy creating drawings and figuring out correct GD&T for all my parts. The greatest benefit of Onshape for me is that it's usable on iPad as an app and not limited to my work desktop like solidworks. Onshape is a tremendous program but more than anything wish I could have mobile drawing capabilities to use while at home or out and about.


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    nick_coppinsnick_coppins Member Posts: 9 ✭✭
    I'd like to know about this as well. Have just gone to create a drawing on the mobile onShape app and realised I can't? 

    Any plans? 
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    Jake_RosenfeldJake_Rosenfeld Moderator, Onshape Employees, Developers Posts: 1,646
    Please vote on this improvement request to help us prioritize drawings on mobile:

    Jake Rosenfeld - Modeling Team
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    kristof_deruytterekristof_deruyttere Member Posts: 1 ✭✭
    I hope that ios 11 offers new possibilities to include these...
    any spoilers?
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    sherif_solimansherif_soliman Member Posts: 5
    Any Updates to this Forum? I’m Stuck on the same situation and need a solution for it, Since I was using my iPad Pro on creating and modeling mechanical equipments, I couldn’t be able to work-out on my drawings as I need to go back home and finish it on my PC instead which wasting time.

    Any Advice on this?
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    brian_bradybrian_brady Member, Developers Posts: 505 EDU
    @sherif_soliman If you are using an iPad Pro and have a keyboard case with trackpad or a bluetooth keyboard and mouse connected to it, you can use the web version instead of the app. Doing so allows you to create drawings. It is not technically supported, but I have done it with my iPad Pro.
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