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Is it possible to extend a surface with the outer boundary of another part?

mubin_icyermubin_icyer Member Posts: 9
Is it possible to extend a surface with the outer boundary of another part?
For example, I have a cube and place a bigger sphere inside the cube. I want to extend the cube's surface to the shape of the sphere so that cube's surface doesn't touch the ball.
Is it possible?


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    David_YL_NguyenDavid_YL_Nguyen Member, Onshape Employees Posts: 103
    Hey @mubin_icyer,

    I think the easiest solution would probably be to already define the offset in a sketch as you will probably be using a sketch both for the sphere and the cube.

    Alternative, you can also you the move face feature on the surfaces of the cube. Make sure to use up to entity as end type, select the surface of the cube and also insert an offset distance.

    You can also have a look at this document: https://cad.onshape.com/documents/307bb11777e63bd05c185d19/w/7902abee802630b511de19a7/e/e91680e9f8e9c3a44ca206ce

    Hope this helps, if not maybe best to share your own document so people can have a look.

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    mubin_icyermubin_icyer Member Posts: 9

    Thanks for answer. What I want to achieve is, the shape of the surface of the cube must be the same as sphere. That means, the surface of the cube will be flat surface except where it intersects with the ball. The places on the surface will be "spherish" (follows the sphere shape of the ball) where it intersects with the ball.

    In the below picture, cube-surface meets the ball, but I want the surface to "encapsulate" the ball (without touching it or with an offset distance).

    That is just an experimental, I don't have any document yet but yours is also ok :)
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    David_YL_NguyenDavid_YL_Nguyen Member, Onshape Employees Posts: 103
    How about the mutual trim feature if you are working with surface bodies. Check my Part Studio 2, always in the same document.
    If you want to have an offset, you can either work with two sketches or the move face feature.

    Let me know, if that is what you are looking for. Cheers
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    Urs_Egger_REACTUrs_Egger_REACT Member Posts: 66 PRO
    try using the boolean function. 
    • Substract the ball from the cube
    • Keep the tool
    • if you like so you can use an offset distance to create a small gap for movement (min 0.2mm if you want to 3d-print)
    for the cube cage you can use thin extrude to add some material instead of just having 0mm thick faces

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