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Shortcut for flipping primary axis of mate

akevinclarkakevinclark Member Posts: 2 EDU
Hi there! I discovered the snap mode for inserting parts automatically mated into an assembly today through the History and Versions exercise of the Document History and Versions lesson. It's great, but my screws inserted backwards. As far as I can tell, to fix it, I need to right click each mate, go to edit, and then click the flip button (or press 'a') which takes all the savings out of the snap mode. Could we get a right click -> flip mate on the mate in 'Mate Features' or something similar to shorten up that workflow?


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    David_YL_NguyenDavid_YL_Nguyen Member, Onshape Employees Posts: 103
    Hey @akevinclark,

    Keyboard shortcut "a" should do exactly what you need - flip primary axis.

    Hope this helps.


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