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Selection and Clear Selection annoyances ???

dave_franchinodave_franchino Member Posts: 45
Hey folks, 

I might be missing something but one "feature" of my implementation or use of Onshape that I find truly annoying is that selecting various objects in Part Studio appears to be "additive" - meaning instead of having to hold down shift or control, when you select objects sequentially they ALL remain highlighted instead of just the last one. This can be cleared with a "right click" and "clear selection" but is NOT cleared by hitting the escape key which feels like it would have been the logical thing.  

It's a trivial thing but I find it slows me down and it's annoying as heck. Am I missing something here? Is there a trick or a reason that this is the case?



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    wayne_sauderwayne_sauder Member, csevp Posts: 491 PRO
    Answer ✓
    The Shortcut to clear all is the space bar. The escape key clears the current command you are in. Very useful once you learn it. 


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    wayne_sauderwayne_sauder Member, csevp Posts: 491 PRO
    Answer ✓
    The Shortcut to clear all is the space bar. The escape key clears the current command you are in. Very useful once you learn it. 
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    dave_franchinodave_franchino Member Posts: 45

    Thanks!  My hero!

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