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Pipe with an Angle

Hey guys, 
first of all, sorry for my poor language, i am not a native speaker. 
I am pretty new in CAD and trying to teach myself with videos and guides, but I can't find the solution for the following problem. 

I want to construct a simple pipe sitting on a rectangle in an angle. (like the picture below) 
The problem is the angle, what do I need to do? 


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    wout_theelen541wout_theelen541 Member, csevp Posts: 198 PRO
    If you're taking a standard pipe, cutting and welding it on to the plate I would create a seperate document for the pipe and derive it in, you can then use pipe document wherever you need it and know you're using the same standards. After that create a plane and/or sketch relative to the pipe where you will cut it after that making the plate should be pretty straightforward. You can also start with the plate but that might take more steps and I assume the pipe fittings should derive your plate geometry and not the other way around.
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    robert_scott_jr_robert_scott_jr_ Member Posts: 361 ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    Hello Maximilian. Below is a link to a method I used. There are probably at least several ways to accomplish the task. - Scotty
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    maximilian_küstermaximilian_küster Member Posts: 12
    Hey Wout, 
    thanks for your answer, but I want to learn how to construct complete objects in Onshape.

    So thanks a lot to you Robert, 
    now i know one way how to do it and i think your solution is pretty solid and clean. 

    I have another question if you mind me to help: 
    How can I do it without the flange, so just the pipe with an angle? (picture below) 

    Thanks a lot guys!
    Cheers Max 
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    robert_scott_jr_robert_scott_jr_ Member Posts: 361 ✭✭✭
    The method that first comes to mind is to create the pipe and then split it with a plane or a mate connector. Another option is to extrude the pipe up to the top plane instead of the face of the flange. Revisit the document to view the features used.

    - Scotty
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