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Combine a multipart step file assembly into a single rigid part

cfernandezrunscfernandezruns Member Posts: 6
I am modeling components for a PCB design. One of these components is an Ethernet connector. I downloaded the STEP file for the Ethernet connector and uploaded it to Onshape to be included in my assembly. 
However, the Ethernet connector is being imported as an assembly with multiple parts.
When I attempt to move the Ethernet connector, I end up separating the components of the Ethernet connector, instead of moving the entire connector as a single component.

It is not useful to me to have separate parts for the Ethernet connector. I don't care how the manufacturer made it - I only want to manipulate the complete Ethernet connector.

I have tried opening the imported Ethernet connector and applying a Group. This works within the Ethernet connector workspace - I can move the whole connector as a single part. But when I then go to import the Ethernet connector into my PCB assembly file, it's back into being multiple parts again.

Is there a better way to import the original STEP file so it is imported as a single rigid body, instead of as an assembly of multiple parts?

Link to my Ethernet connector file:


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    Chris_TiltonChris_Tilton Member Posts: 10
    When importing, you could try selecting the "import to a single part studio" and then grouping and/or importing as a composite part and using it that way! You also could be importing the part studio as opposed to the assembly when you go to import it into your PCB assembly file, which means the group mate does not exist, so either importing the assembly or re-grouping the Ethernet connector parts after importing the part studio should work too. Hope this makes sense and helps with what you're trying to do!
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    nick_papageorge073nick_papageorge073 Member, csevp Posts: 702 PRO
    Agree with Chris. Import to a single part studio (not to an assy). Check box the "create composite part". Then it will be one unified part that you can place in your assemblies.

    If you want to simplify imports, especially electronic pcb's and similar that rob graphics performance, do the same, but don't check box the "create composite part" during import. It will import as individual parts but within the same studio. Sometimes hundreds or even thousands of individual parts. "delete part" all you don't want. In RJ45 example, the internal pins, for example. Then whatever is left that you do want, draw a big window around them, and create a composite part from the selection.
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    nick_papageorge073nick_papageorge073 Member, csevp Posts: 702 PRO
    edited June 2023
    Yikes, I just opened your document. Its a mess:) Do it this way instead. Worlds easier and better. After 2 years of importing step file at my dayjob, I find "combine to single part studio" is the one to use 99% of the time. Click Composite for electronic PCBA/Connectors/etc. And keep it off for mechanical assemblies. IMO:)


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    cfernandezrunscfernandezruns Member Posts: 6
    Awesome feedback. "Combine to single part studio" + "Composite" worked great for me. Apologies for the late response, but this solved my issue. Many thanks!
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