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Extrude Remove Direction in Part Studio and Feature Script

Stormi_BackusStormi_Backus Member Posts: 49
Hi All, 

I am trying to make a Feature Script extrude remove but struggling to control the direction of the removal. So, as Neil Cooke recommends, I tried to model the desired feature in the Part Studio first and I can't do it there either. The goal is to sketch a circle on a face and have the extrude remove all material on the exterior of said circle. As you can see below, I have only succeeded in removing interior material.  All of the documentation I've found deals with controlling extrusion direction normal to the sketch plane which, I think, is a little different than this because all of my brute forcing isn't making it work! I also included a screenshot of my current feature studio code. Thank you in advance!!


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    eric_pestyeric_pesty Member Posts: 1,596 PRO
    Would using "intersect" work for your workflow?
    Otherwise you will need a larger concentric circle to create a region to extrude (haven't used sketch regions much in FS so don't know of the top of my head how you select the region to extrude but there are ways of doing it...)
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    Stormi_BackusStormi_Backus Member Posts: 49
    @eric_pesty those were my thoughts exactly, but when I created a larger concentric circle the extrude merely expanded to remove the entire part body. I will try intersect as well as play around with the concentric circles some more and report back. Thanks!
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    eric_pestyeric_pesty Member Posts: 1,596 PRO
    With the large concentric circle, you have to specify the region to extrude (otherwise it will use the whole sketch region as you are seeing), don't remember off the top of my head how to do it but you should be able to filter it out.
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    Evan_ReeseEvan_Reese Member Posts: 2,070 PRO
    Here's an example of two ways to do it. I think you may find that you prefer the Move Face method since it can handle cases with draft. This assumes I understand what you want, haha. https://cad.onshape.com/documents/f9a1c59466a5fb549abc23f0/w/3cedce10a09afedf5f54189e/e/0d61a82ae8b3c091869b8ded
    Evan Reese / Principal and Industrial Designer with Ovyl
    Website: ovyl.io
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