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Shaded View is Pixelated in Large Drawing

I made a very large scale drawing (it's going to be printed as a vinyl banner and used as a layout for a robotics course).  The sheet is 132x86 inches and the stripes shown in this image are about 3 inches wide.  To get the stripes to be solid black (and other areas to be in color) I turned on "show shaded view."  It seems that the shading is some kind of "fill" applied to the drawing and it is being generated at a lower resolution than the lines themselves.  Are there any settings to adjust this?  I have already changed the sheet from "best performance" to "best quality."

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    eric_pestyeric_pesty Member Posts: 1,596 PRO
    Answer ✓
    I don't think this is the right tool for this... Not only does it create a fairly low resolution image but the shaded views also have some lighting effects applied so the colors aren't going to be easy to control and not "correct" (i.e. black won't really be black).

    I can't seem to see that where that is coming from in your linked document but a better option would be to create a section through the model on the drawing and set the hatch to "solid" (an not use shaded views at all).


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    nick_papageorge073nick_papageorge073 Member, csevp Posts: 702 PRO
    See what it looks like when you export it as a pdf. I find that the pdf export lines display much more crisply when opened in a pdf viewer.
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    paul_bunnellpaul_bunnell Member Posts: 26 EDU
    PDF, SVG, and the source document all have the same chunky edges, the only difference is the stair-steps are more crisp or blurry depending on the format.  The thin edge lines of the part look crisp, it is the fill shading is pixelated.  That's why I think it has to do with how "shaded view" is calculated. 
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    eric_pestyeric_pesty Member Posts: 1,596 PRO
    Answer ✓
    I don't think this is the right tool for this... Not only does it create a fairly low resolution image but the shaded views also have some lighting effects applied so the colors aren't going to be easy to control and not "correct" (i.e. black won't really be black).

    I can't seem to see that where that is coming from in your linked document but a better option would be to create a section through the model on the drawing and set the hatch to "solid" (an not use shaded views at all).

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    paul_bunnellpaul_bunnell Member Posts: 26 EDU
    I would never have thought of using solid hatches in a section view (and colored at that), but it did exactly what I needed.  Thanks for the work around!
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