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Assigning variables through the API Calls always results in 404 error

I am trying to use the API to assign a variable value through the API.
Even when using the api exporer (https://cad.onshape.com/glassworks/explorer/#/) I always get the following error:

  "message": "Not found.",
  "moreInfoUrl": "",
  "status": 404,
  "code": 0

I get get all the variables, and I have double checked that I have the correct name, and that I send valid JSON:
        "description":"The box depth",
        "name": "BoxDepth",
        "expression": "150 mm",

If I send invalid JSON, then I get a invalid JSON so I know that I am "in" and its not an authentication error.
Here is the generated curl, but with the ids changed

curl -X 'POST' \
  'https://cad.onshape.com/api/v6/variables/d/did/w/wid/e/eid/variables' \
  -H 'accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8; qs=0.09' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8; qs=0.09' \
  -H 'X-XSRF-TOKEN: 9PisF02hcnhB/D6Dy2xurQ==' \
  -d '[
    "description":"The box depth",
        "name": "BoxDepth",
        "expression": "150 mm",


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    Matt_ShieldsMatt_Shields Member Posts: 256 PRO
    What endpoint are you using?  I think you can only do POST requests to the variables endopoint for Variable Studios.  
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    caden_armstrong2caden_armstrong2 Member, User Group Leader Posts: 127 ✭✭✭
    When you make the call, are you replacing the did/wid/eid with the actual ids of your variable studio?
    Are you an enterprise user with a different url than cad.onshape? 
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    philip_kristoffersenphilip_kristoffersen Member Posts: 5
    I found the problem here. The EID (which I still don't know what is) is different if you are looking at designing a part and if you are in variable studio. By changing the EID to be the one for variable studio I am able to set variables.
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    Matt_ShieldsMatt_Shields Member Posts: 256 PRO
    Correct.  When you are in an Onshape document, the URL will look something like:


    The 24-character string after /documents/ is the unique identifier for that document.
    The 24-character string after /w/ is the unique identifier for the workspace you are in.
    The 24-character string after /e/ is the unique identifier for the element (tab) you are in.
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