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Can we show tool dialogs while using the "Follow Me" option?

Last night, I had an online session with another OS forum member, to discuss a modeling question which had come up in the forum. I thought it would be a good idea to use the "Follow Me" option while we were both in a shared document. That worked, basically, but when I tried to demonstrate the creation of certain features, the other user could not see my feature or tool dialogs, nor could I see where he failed in his attempt. We would both see the feature pop up in the model once created (or not, if it failed), but it was not possible do demonstrate the individual steps, nor analyze what exactly the issue was, that led to an unresolved feature. It could possibly be very helpful with such discussions, as well as online help, if following would include dialogs, and if it only was as an option.

Question: Is there a way in Onshape (other than to share the screen via one of the usual suspects among the video conference apps) to let the other user(s) see the use of the tool and feature dialogs?


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    glen_dewsburyglen_dewsbury Member Posts: 617 ✭✭✭
    I would like to see this upgraded as it is a problem when trying to help someone under stand the problem and fix it.
    IR https://forum.onshape.com/discussion/22531/seeing-what-is-hapening-in-follow-mode/p1?new=1
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    S1monS1mon Member Posts: 2,477 PRO
    The Follow Me mode is pretty useless without this. It's much more straightforward to use Zoom or whatever.
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    martin_kopplowmartin_kopplow Member Posts: 339 PRO
    I have demonstrated CAD models to non-CAD people using Follow Me quite successfully. It works a little better than screen sharing, for the graphics are much better, and the interaction (e.g. having them show me things they have questions about) is also nice. So, I'd not say it is useless, but its use could be vastly broadened, if we could show everything involved on demand.
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