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Points and transformations

I have an STL mesh (form blender) that I am importing and augmenting in onshape.
Some dimensions are unclear, and thus will need to be fixed based on the CAD-level annotations.
I have an import, followed by a scale transformation, followed by a bunch of planes and sketches based on points on the STL mesh (via selections and "use" projections).

After mutlple steps, I see that my scale transformation is not big enough and need to be adjusted.
I expect that changing the transformation scale, rescales all the sketches, since the points there are associated with the mesh that has no changed.

However, this is not what happens. Changing the scale, disconnects all following steps from the mesh, thus de-facto loosing the work done.
I consider this behaviour a bug. Is there a good logic for it? Is there a different way to rescale the imported mesh while keeping the link to the following sketches.?


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    glen_dewsburyglen_dewsbury Member Posts: 620 ✭✭✭
    Can you share document as public for others to study the issue?
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