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Remove part of circle

sam_floyd837sam_floyd837 Member Posts: 2
Hi, I want to create a groove in my circle, I need it to be 8mm deep. See picture for area I want to be removed.

Any help would be appreciated.


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    robert_scott_jr_robert_scott_jr_ Member Posts: 360 ✭✭✭
    Hello Sam. See the document linked below for reference. The part studio 'extrude then revolve' is an example of how I suspect is the method you used to arrive at the image you posted. Part studio 'revolve' is another (perhaps cleaner) method. Please post a link to a document when asking for help with that document. - Scotty

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    pep_sala_solerpep_sala_soler Member Posts: 3 EDU

    you have several options. one is to draw on the sketch of the circle you have made the lines that delimit the cut you want to make and make the corresponding extrusions. Another option is to draw a sketch on the top face of the circle, draw the cut lines and make an extrusion according to what interests you.
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