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Fastened mate not working

oisin_johnoisin_john Member Posts: 33
I have made seats and brackets for the seats to attach to a pole, I fastened mated all of the brackets to the seats and now I need to brackets to be fastened to the pole with the seats, yet I can't manage to find a point on the surface of the tube to fasten it to.

please help,



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    nick_papageorge073nick_papageorge073 Member, csevp Posts: 701 PRO
    Use the mate connector 2 from the seat sub, and mate that to one of the 3 implicit mate connectors on the tube. Then offset that distance to get the height you desire.

    Better still is to make an explicit mate connector in the part studio that you drew the tube in, at the correct height. Then mate to that.
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    oisin_johnoisin_john Member Posts: 33
    I don’t why this is not working, can you please look at the document and try and help,

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    dirk_van_der_vaartdirk_van_der_vaart Member Posts: 545 ✭✭✭
    edited January 10
    I see you are still fighting with your assembly.
    In an comment a few days a go I mentioned that it would easier to start all over again.
    Design all your parts in 1 partstudio at the correct size and in the right position and the cylinder in the center position.
    And then in the end you import the whole partstudio in the assembly, do a circular pattern and ready.
    All dimensions can still be adjusted in the partstudio, no need for mate connectors

    See it as a learning proces, now your are repairing and repairing
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    mfalkensteinermfalkensteiner Member, Onshape Employees, csevp Posts: 67
    You need to fix at least one instance. Right click on the instance you want to fix, then select fix from the dialog menu. This locks the part on its position. I'd fix the Part called "Bracket Bottom".
    Principal Technical Services Engineer, EMEAI
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