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3d print

oisin_johnoisin_john Member Posts: 33

so basically I was going to 3d print the piece today but there were some problems, so basically the revolute mate works on onshore but when 3d printing it doesn't as it shows as one piece,

so what I was thinking was getting, the handle bars to be smaller than the point it connects to the seat, and have that point hollow and have the handle bars running through them,

and also when I added the limits for the revolution I didn't take into account that when 3d printing it won't stop there so I need to design some sort of locking mechanism in the place where the handle bars meet the seat,

can you help with the problem please?


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    robert_scott_jr_robert_scott_jr_ Member Posts: 360 ✭✭✭
    Hello. If your slicer shows the parts as one piece, I suspect you exported an assembly. Try exporting the individual parts from a part studio.
    There are many ways to actually limit the handlebar travel and connection to the seat. You could create a sketch on the end of the handle bar and extrude concentric circles to create a tube that extends over the seat fixture. Then create a slot in the tube that would accept a pin that extends from the fixture. The ends of the slot would contact the pin to limit travel.
    - Scotty
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    oisin_johnoisin_john Member Posts: 33
    Would you mind showing this in the link I sent, I’m only a beginner, and a visual example is always nice
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    robert_scott_jr_robert_scott_jr_ Member Posts: 360 ✭✭✭
    The link you included is view only. Thus a copy to edit cannot be made. Is the document 'Public'?
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