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Modeling a wavy pattern

FerallezFerallez Member Posts: 6
Hi everyone. 
I have seen a lovely way of texturing a surface and I wonder how could that be done ( Wave pattern surface). If someone could give me an idea of how to achieve this effect I could aim better. I attempted to make it but had no success. 
Thank you beforehand,



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    mahirmahir Member, Developers Posts: 1,294 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Seems the base surface is is only curved along one axis (like an extruded curve). Looks like this can be accomplished with a linear pattern of an extruded or revolved cut + fillet.
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    FerallezFerallez Member Posts: 6
    Hi Mahir, I am pretty new on Cad and it sounds like an easy one, I will give it a try that way. Thanks for the info. 
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