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Hotkeys No Longer Connected

Andy_NorrisAndy_Norris Member Posts: 3 PRO
As of today Feb 3, all custom hotkeys are no longer working and it throws an error for conflicts with the default hotkey bindings (that have actually been disabled or rebound accordingly).

Anyone else experiencing this?

Huge hit to productivity, and it makes very little sense considering it is showing it has my custom keybindings in memory but is now also considering the default key bindings to still be valid (despite being handled properly).


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    GregBrownGregBrown Member, Onshape Employees Posts: 113
    All my customized keyboard shortcuts are working as expected. Perhaps you can try clearing your browser cache and see if that does anything. Otherwise a support ticket should be opened.
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    alejandro_gomez860alejandro_gomez860 Member Posts: 1
    edited February 5
    I'm having the same issue. It is extremely frustrating.

    Edit: It seems to only happen when I'm in a sketch.  In the other environments my custom hotkeys work.
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    ChaidirChaidir Member Posts: 1 PRO
    edited February 5
    Me to also, it doesn't work both in part studio and assembly
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    colin_starker933colin_starker933 Member Posts: 15 EDU
    This started happening to me yesterday. Nothing has worked so far. This is pretty bad considering the default hotkeys are... less than desirable... to use soft language.
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