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My skateboard deck part is gone (its not what you may be thinking)

Okay, so I was doing some cool little designs on my skateboard and when I finished, I started to do other parts, when *poof!* I only saw my sketches on the deck. I looked down at the parts menu, and my part named "Deck" (which I did my designs on) was gone. The extrudes I had on it were still there, so I clicked on the deck's extrude to edit it, and I looked at the part it was on. It was on the Deck. Then,  I got out of editing the extrude, thinking I fixed it, and looked at the parts list. Deck was gone. 

To the point, should I delete all the extrudes I did on the deck, or can I somehow recover it?


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    robert_scott_jr_robert_scott_jr_ Member Posts: 354 ✭✭✭
    Try reloading the page. - Scotty
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    rick_randallrick_randall Member Posts: 124 ✭✭
    Try robert's suggestion first - it's just to easy not to, and might fix it. If that doesn't help, read on
    Have you done any boolean operations? Some parts can be "absorbed" into other parts this way (example: Parts 1,2,&3 joined by boolean command - if part 2 was selected first, this will become the new name of the single part that is created, & the names of part 1 , and part 3 will disappear)(the parts themselves, will vanish from the feature tree). Is it possible this is happening? Sorry if this does not apply to your particular case, but just a thought.
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    rick_randallrick_randall Member Posts: 124 ✭✭
    As a side note - remember that the roll-back bar is a powerful diagnostic tool for finding those "where it all went wrong" type scenarios. Once you isolate where the problem occurred, it then becomes relatively straight forward to edit & correct the offending feature.
    Hope this helps - keep at it.
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