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Got myself stuck, can't chamfer this corner

StillMakerStillMaker Member Posts: 22 EDU
I need to chamfer the lower right corner of this part. But the Chamfer tool gives me a generic error about failing to chamfer. I'm sure it's because of some other chamfers I have, I don't quite understand why they can't overlap.

Anyway, what should I do here? Is there a way I could extrude-remove a triangle or something?
Here is my document: https://cad.onshape.com/documents/6140ac72573433da187cf592/w/ab97590a0ef8b1044bb0faae/e/8c2aa27ca09fbb4d45ace572?renderMode=0&uiState=65cbf2d97996d964c6eeedb7

Here's why I want to chamfer it - to make it taper in where it connects to another part.


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    nick_papageorge073nick_papageorge073 Member, csevp Posts: 702 PRO
    Roll the tree back before all the rounds on the side. Then angle that face the way you want it, either with a chamfer, or transform rotate the face, or draft it, or make a sketch and cut, etc. Then add your rounds again.
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    StillMakerStillMaker Member Posts: 22 EDU
    @nick_papageorge073 that worked perfectly, thank you.
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