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GeometryType.OTHER_CURVE error

nir_naronnir_naron Member Posts: 26 EDU
 Error is something along the lines of “OTHER_CURVE” not being a valid geometry type. The FeatureScript documentation describes it fully, so I’m not sure what am I missing.

I want the input to be an ellipse. If anyone has any idea about how to get it done, you have a shoutout reserved in the script’s documentation!

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    NeilCookeNeilCooke Moderator, Onshape Employees Posts: 5,466
    Answer ✓
    Looks like it can only be used in conjunction with qGeometry. Not sure why. You could certainly check for an ellipse using qGeometry and then throw a regenError - not very user friendly though.
    Senior Director, Technical Services, EMEAI
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    NeilCookeNeilCooke Moderator, Onshape Employees Posts: 5,466
    Answer ✓
    In the body of the code, you would have to do something like:
    FeatureScript 2221;
    import(path : "onshape/std/common.fs", version : "2221.0");
    annotation { "Feature Type Name" : "My Feature" }
    export const myFeature = defineFeature(function(context is Context, id is Id, definition is map)
            annotation { "Name" : "Ellipse", "Filter" : EntityType.EDGE, "MaxNumberOfPicks" : 1 }
            definition.ellipse is Query;
            annotation { "Name" : "Rad" }
            isLength(definition.radius, LENGTH_BOUNDS);
            const ellipse = evCurveDefinition(context, {
                        "edge" : definition.ellipse
            if (ellipse.coordSystem == undefined || isQueryEmpty(context, qGeometry(definition.ellipse, GeometryType.OTHER_CURVE)))
                throw regenError("Must select an ellipse", definition.ellipse); 
            const sketch = newSketchOnPlane(context, id + "sketch1", {
                        "sketchPlane" : plane(ellipse.coordSystem.origin, ellipse.coordSystem.xAxis, ellipse.coordSystem.zAxis)
            skCircle(sketch, "circle", {
                        "center" : vector(0, 0) * meter,
                        "radius" : definition.radius
    You can still get the ellipse center using evCurveDefinition.
    Senior Director, Technical Services, EMEAI
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    NeilCookeNeilCooke Moderator, Onshape Employees Posts: 5,466
    edited January 2 Answer ✓
    It's just good practice if you don't want to accidentally overwrite a variable further down in your code. If you want to reuse a variable or update it, use var.
    Senior Director, Technical Services, EMEAI


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    NeilCookeNeilCooke Moderator, Onshape Employees Posts: 5,466
    Answer ✓
    Looks like it can only be used in conjunction with qGeometry. Not sure why. You could certainly check for an ellipse using qGeometry and then throw a regenError - not very user friendly though.
    Senior Director, Technical Services, EMEAI
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    nir_naronnir_naron Member Posts: 26 EDU
    NeilCooke said:
    Looks like it can only be used in conjunction with qGeometry. Not sure why. You could certainly check for an ellipse using qGeometry and then throw a regenError - not very user friendly though.
    Thanks! Will you specify how to implement your suggestion? I tried using qGeometry and didn’t manage 
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    NeilCookeNeilCooke Moderator, Onshape Employees Posts: 5,466
    Answer ✓
    In the body of the code, you would have to do something like:
    FeatureScript 2221;
    import(path : "onshape/std/common.fs", version : "2221.0");
    annotation { "Feature Type Name" : "My Feature" }
    export const myFeature = defineFeature(function(context is Context, id is Id, definition is map)
            annotation { "Name" : "Ellipse", "Filter" : EntityType.EDGE, "MaxNumberOfPicks" : 1 }
            definition.ellipse is Query;
            annotation { "Name" : "Rad" }
            isLength(definition.radius, LENGTH_BOUNDS);
            const ellipse = evCurveDefinition(context, {
                        "edge" : definition.ellipse
            if (ellipse.coordSystem == undefined || isQueryEmpty(context, qGeometry(definition.ellipse, GeometryType.OTHER_CURVE)))
                throw regenError("Must select an ellipse", definition.ellipse); 
            const sketch = newSketchOnPlane(context, id + "sketch1", {
                        "sketchPlane" : plane(ellipse.coordSystem.origin, ellipse.coordSystem.xAxis, ellipse.coordSystem.zAxis)
            skCircle(sketch, "circle", {
                        "center" : vector(0, 0) * meter,
                        "radius" : definition.radius
    You can still get the ellipse center using evCurveDefinition.
    Senior Director, Technical Services, EMEAI
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    nir_naronnir_naron Member Posts: 26 EDU
    NeilCooke said:
    In the body of the code, you would have to do something like:
    FeatureScript 2221;
    import(path : "onshape/std/common.fs", version : "2221.0");
    annotation { "Feature Type Name" : "My Feature" }
    export const myFeature = defineFeature(function(context is Context, id is Id, definition is map)
            annotation { "Name" : "Ellipse", "Filter" : EntityType.EDGE, "MaxNumberOfPicks" : 1 }
            definition.ellipse is Query;
            annotation { "Name" : "Rad" }
            isLength(definition.radius, LENGTH_BOUNDS);
            const ellipse = evCurveDefinition(context, {
                        "edge" : definition.ellipse
            if (ellipse.coordSystem == undefined || isQueryEmpty(context, qGeometry(definition.ellipse, GeometryType.OTHER_CURVE)))
                throw regenError("Must select an ellipse", definition.ellipse); 
            const sketch = newSketchOnPlane(context, id + "sketch1", {
                        "sketchPlane" : plane(ellipse.coordSystem.origin, ellipse.coordSystem.xAxis, ellipse.coordSystem.zAxis)
            skCircle(sketch, "circle", {
                        "center" : vector(0, 0) * meter,
                        "radius" : definition.radius
    You can still get the ellipse center using evCurveDefinition.
    Thanks so much! When does one use “const” as opposed to “var”?
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    NeilCookeNeilCooke Moderator, Onshape Employees Posts: 5,466
    edited January 2 Answer ✓
    It's just good practice if you don't want to accidentally overwrite a variable further down in your code. If you want to reuse a variable or update it, use var.
    Senior Director, Technical Services, EMEAI
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