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How do I put a multiple holes in a circular pattern on a cylinder

cedric_orejolacedric_orejola Member Posts: 2
edited December 2015 in Using Onshape
I am struggling with adding multiple holes around the outside of a cylinder. The circular pattern only lets you work on the plane you are sketching. Is there a way to have a hole applied to the outside but using the circular pattern on a plane normal to the circle?


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    shanshanshanshan Member Posts: 147 ✭✭✭
    cedric_orejola,there are two kinds of pattern in Onshape, one is in the sketch as you metioned , the other one is the feature list include face pattern and part pattern,please see the below video ,hope  it is helpful to you!

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    cedric_orejolacedric_orejola Member Posts: 2
    shanshan  That was very helpful! thanks a lot
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    daniel_chowdaniel_chow Member Posts: 108 ✭✭✭
    shanshan said:
    cedric_orejola,there are two kinds of pattern in Onshape, one is in the sketch as you metioned , the other one is the feature list include face pattern and part pattern,please see the below video ,hope  it is helpful to you!

    May I ask what program or app you used to create that animated GIF?

    Couldn't you save a few steps by making a blind hole with the hole tool then using the circular pattern tool?

    Also wanted to mention for anyone else searching out how to do this, the circular tool is not located in dropdown menu as part of the pattern tool. 

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    brucebartlettbrucebartlett Member, OS Professional, Mentor, User Group Leader Posts: 2,137 PRO

    For Gif recorders see https://forum.onshape.com/discussion/comment/13813#Comment_13813

    I haven't tried but I would have done the same as @shanshan because unless it changed recently the pattern tool doesn't accept features. 

    Engineer ı Product Designer ı Onshape Consulting Partner
    Twitter: @onshapetricks  & @babart1977   
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    shanshanshanshan Member Posts: 147 ✭✭✭
    daniel_chow, I like using “LICEcap” for recording video which format is GIF, it is very convenient, you can try !
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    daniel_chowdaniel_chow Member Posts: 108 ✭✭✭
    Link to public document

    Does anyone know how to use the hole tool to make a circular pattern around a spherical object? I can do this using the method posted by shan in the above post. But I've been trying to use the hole tool to create a circular pattern: 

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    shanshanshanshan Member Posts: 147 ✭✭✭
    daniel_chow, please click "face pattern" in the dialog box of "Circular pattern", and choose all the faces of the hole in "entities to pattern"!in your model ,the hole depth is too big ,that's why you could not pattern the hole, please check it !

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    daniel_chowdaniel_chow Member Posts: 108 ✭✭✭
    Thank you Shan it worked!

    And for anyone else searching up how to do this, be sure to check out this onShape tutorial on making a pipe flange

    You'll use the revolve feature to draw a round object, then use the circular pattern tool to patter a hole around the flat surface of the flange. This tutorial will only take < 10 min drawing the model from scratch. It offers a third way of using the pattern tool different from the two method discussed above. 

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    jakeramsleyjakeramsley Member, Moderator, Onshape Employees, Developers Posts: 658
    One trick you can do when doing a face pattern of holes is to use the "Create selection..." tool on the context menu.  With the hole option selected, the system tries to infer the hole based on a single face selected.  This way you should be able to get all faces of the hole.

    1. Right click on the canvas and choose 'Create selection...'

    2. In the 'Create selection' tool, click the drop down and choose 'Hole'.  This will try to infer a hole based on the faces selected.

    3. Select one of the faces of the hole.  Notice that the rest of the faces should highlight as well.

    4.  Click 'Add selection'.  Notice that your one selection has now put in four selections in the circular pattern dialog.

    1.png 158.6K
    2.png 170.3K
    3.png 186.9K
    4.png 185.9K
    Jake Ramsley

    Director of Quality Engineering & Release Manager              onshape.com
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    shanshanshanshan Member Posts: 147 ✭✭✭
    jakeramsley I have not noticed "creat selection" until you mentioned it, thanks for sharing , it is more convenient!
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    daniel_chowdaniel_chow Member Posts: 108 ✭✭✭
    Yes, thank you, will try later tonight! 
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