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What do "transforms" and their "paths" mean in the API?

tom_nicksontom_nickson Member Posts: 2
I'm playing around with the API and trying to understand what "transform" means in the occurrences list. I've put some Python at the bottom, but what I'm currently doing is:

* Find all part instances in the assembly/sub assembly and get their STLs
* Iterate over the occurrences in the root assembly, apply the transform to the STL (using numpy stl, literally mesh.transform(t))
* Draw a picture and see if it looks right

I can't find any docs on what "transform" means. There seems to be a transforms for both parts and subAssemblies, and some elements (only parts?) in occurrences have a multi-step "path" defined, which seems to go through their assembly. My first guess at what to do with these was that I had to chain the transforms, however actually I can just use the given transform to get stuff into the right places.

So: do I need to worry about the "path" stuff at all? Will ignoring it come back to bite me?

Python code to draw a picture:

import stl
import logging
from typing import Any
import tqdm
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d
import numpy as np
import requests
import base64
import io

did = 'f04c564452bd0cb296c72c67'
wvm = 'w'
wvmid = '04e05af0f1e879340a28c118'
eid = '18393f3e87087c3e57b64373'

def render(figure, axes, stl):
    poly3d = mplot3d.art3d.Poly3DCollection(stl.vectors)
    scale = stl.points.flatten()
    axes.auto_scale_xyz(scale, scale, scale)

def auth_headers():
    auth_string = f"{access_key}:{secret_key}".encode('utf-8')
    auth = base64.b64encode(auth_string).decode('utf-8')
    return {
        'Authorization': f'Basic {auth}'

def get_stl(did, wvm, wvmid, eid, pid):
    sub_url = f"parts/d/{did}/{wvm}/{wvmid}/e/{eid}/partid/{pid}/stl"
    url = base_url.format(endpoint=sub_url)
    params = {
        "mode": "binary",
        "grouping": True,
        "scale": 1,
        "units": "meter"
    response = requests.get(url,
    if response.is_redirect:
        url = response.headers['Location']
        response = requests.get(url,
    return stl.Mesh.from_file("part", fh=io.BytesIO(response.content))

params = {"includeMateFeatures": True, "includeMateConnectors": True, "includeNonSolids": True}
sub_url = f"assemblies/d/{did}/{wvm}/{wvmid}/e/{eid}"
url = base_url.format(endpoint=sub_url)
assembly_info = requests.get(url, headers=auth_headers(), params=params).json()

# find all instances in this assembly and split if they're parts
instances = assembly_info['rootAssembly']['instances'] + [el for sub in assembly_info['subAssemblies'] for el in sub['instances']]
parts = [el for el in instances if el['type'] == 'Part']

# process parts lists: lookup for occurences, get stls
occ2part = {}
for p in parts:
    p['stl'] = get_stl(did=p['documentId'],
    occ2part[p['id']] = p

transforms = {}
occurences = {}
for occ in assembly_info['rootAssembly']['occurrences']:
    if len(occ['path']) == 1:
        transform = np.array(occ['transform']).reshape(4,4)
        if occ['path'][0] not in occ2part:
            transforms[occ['path'][0]] = transform
    elif len(occ['path']) == 2:
        t1 = transforms[occ['path'][0]]
        t2 = np.array(occ['transform']).reshape(4,4)
        # transform = t1 @ t2
        transform = t2
        raise ValueError()    
    if part := occ2part.get(occ['path'][-1]):
        occurences[tuple(occ['path'])] = (part['stl'], transform)

f, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, subplot_kw={'projection':'3d'}, figsize=(10,10))
for part, transform in occurences.values():
    mesh = stl.mesh.Mesh(part.data.copy())
    render(f, ax, mesh)


  • Paul_J_PremakumarPaul_J_Premakumar Member, Onshape Employees Posts: 220

     Your observation is correct. Onshape only looks at the transformation matrix of the instances  (leaf nodes if you will) and not the sub-assemblies. The Path simply, provides information on path to the instance from the root. The transformation is not cumulative. You can ignore the path in your transformation calculations.

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