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Macbook Pro 13in (new) and onshape



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    bradley_saulnbradley_sauln Moderator, Onshape Employees, Developers Posts: 373
    One more thing to add here: 

    Make sure to UNCHECK the 'Automatic graphics switching'. If you don't then the Mac will default to the lower end card when you are in the browser.

    @coleman your performance check screenshot is what caught my attention. Here's mine for a 15" 2014 MacBook Pro Retina. Notice the triangles per second are 120+million..

    Engineer | Adventurer | Tinkerer
    Twitter: @bradleysauln

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    Ben_Ben_ OS Professional, Mentor, Developers Posts: 302 PRO

    Evan said:

    "Macbook Pros have retina displays, and Onshape will render at retina resolution by default.  Shading all those pixels takes time, especially on integrated chips.  You can override this in your user preferences:"

    Ok my old MBP from 3 years ago was having issues with graphics. This solved it! thank you!
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